
How Do I Tell Friends and Family About My Divorce?

Talking about divorce with your spouse is difficult enough, but broaching this topic with your friends and family can be even more challenging. You might feel awkward, embarrassed, or even ashamed about your situation. Perhaps you’re nervous about how your close friends and family will judge you. Despite these feelings, however, this conversation must happen at some point. Fortunately, there are a number of steps you can take to streamline these difficult conversations. Perhaps more importantly, you can also take various steps to limit legal consequences during this process.

Try to Stay Off Social Media

It may seem convenient to simply make an announcement on social media about your impending divorce in North Carolina. A five-minute social media post can save you from dozens of separate conversations with friends and family, and you can reach a wide audience instantly. However, there are a number of concerns associated with social media during divorce, and it might be best to stay off these platforms entirely.

It is all too easy to say the wrong thing in your social media post. These posts are inherently public, and it may be very difficult to “take back” what you have said online. Even if you delete your post, someone may have saved a screenshot. Many spouses accuse their exes of wrongdoing while making their divorce announcements, and this is generally a poor decision. If you believe that your ex engaged in misconduct, you should make your accusations through proper legal channels. Making allegations online may cause unintended consequences.

You might be influenced by various celebrities who have announced their divorces through social media. If these people can announce their ending marriages online, then why can’t you? If you take a closer look at these announcements, you will see that they are very carefully worded. In fact, many of these announcements are drafted entirely by lawyers. Celebrities receive specific instructions and guidance from their divorce lawyers when making these posts because they know that all public statements are subject to intense legal scrutiny. If you are intent on making a statement on social media about your own divorce, you should consult with your divorce lawyer in North Carolina before posting anything. These legal professionals may be able to help you draft online posts.

Do Not Criticize Your Ex in Front of Your Children

When informing your friends and family of your impending divorce, it is also important to avoid denigrating or criticizing your ex in front of your children. Courts may consider this a form of “parental alienation,” and it might even affect your custody rights. Generally speaking, North Carolina family courts consider whether parents have shown a willingness and capability to cooperate after the marriage. If you adopt a very combative stance against your ex, this could come back to haunt you.

Informing your children of divorce is an extremely difficult task, and you may need to conduct further research on this topic for more specific guidance. A child psychologist or psychiatrist could also provide you with meaningful advice as you approach this conversation. From a purely legal standpoint, it is best to avoid accusing your ex of any wrongdoing when speaking with your children. Again, it is best to explore these allegations in court.

There is No Need to Go Into Detail

When you tell close friends and family about your impending divorce, the first question many will ask is, “Why?” While it might feel tempting to go into detail, you are under no obligation to explain the root cause of your divorce. In fact, it might be best to leave this question unanswered. Another option is to provide them with a vague, open-ended response. For example, you might say, “It’s just not working out between us.” Until your divorce has been properly resolved, it might be best to keep certain details confidential. In addition, you might be legally required to keep these details private due to rules surrounding mediation or collaborative law.

Find a Qualified Divorce Lawyer in North Carolina

It may be easier to approach this difficult situation with guidance from a divorce lawyer in North Carolina. Not only do these professionals understand the legal aspects of divorce, but they are also very familiar with the emotional and psychological pressures of this situation. During a consultation, you can discuss your various concerns in more detail – including how to tell your friends and families about the divorce. Perhaps most importantly, a lawyer can help you communicate with your friends and families in a way that limits unintentional legal consequences. Reach out today to get started with a consultation.

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