
Iredell County White Collar Crimes Lawyer

Have you been accused of white-collar crime in North Carolina? If so, you need to contact an experienced Iredell County white collar crimes lawyer. Do not let a white-collar criminal charge ruin everything you have worked so hard for in your life. Typically, white-collar crimes involve some form of fraud or deceit such as making fake documents, forging documents, or making other types of misrepresentations for financial gain.

Contact Our Experienced White-Collar Crime Defense Lawyers Today

If you are facing a white-collar criminal charge, the lawyers at Arnold & Smith, PLLC can help. Contact our Iredell County law firm as soon as possible to schedule your free case evaluation. Our legal team has extensive experience defending people of all types of criminal charges. The sooner you contact us, the sooner we can evaluate your case and determine the best legal strategy for you.

Embezzlement Defense Lawyers

North Carolina recognizes several different types of white-collar crimes. One of the most commonly charged white-collar crimes is embezzlement. Embezzlement occurs anytime someone who is in a trusted position misappropriated the property or funds or an individual or business. The suspect must misappropriate the funds by taking advantage of their position.

You might face an embezzlement charge if you are a public office holder, if you are a fiduciary, or if you are an officer in a charitable or religious organization. The level of felony charge against you depends on the value of property or money you allegedly embezzled. You do not need to work for a large company to face embezzlement charges. North Carolina prosecutors often bring charges against employees of small and medium-sized companies.

North Carolina Money Laundering Defense Lawyers

Money laundering is another serious felony in North Carolina. The crime of laundering money includes forging checks, notes, and other securities. It can also include the forgery of a deed to property or a last will and testament. Additionally, suspects can forge stock certificates, names, or financial transaction cards.

The document does not need to need to be completely forged for someone to face forgery charges. Instead, a defendant can intentionally inaccurately complete a document and still face fraud charges. Most of the time, prosecutors charge forgery as a felony, however, prosecutors sometimes bring misdemeanor charges depending on the facts of the case.

North Carolina Identity Theft Lawyers

Identify theft has become more popular than ever. North Carolina prosecutors have focused their efforts on bringing identify theft charges against defendants. The crime of identity theft takes place when someone knowingly possesses, obtains, or uses another person's identifying information with the intent to commit fraud. The suspect must intend to use another person's information to obtain a benefit, advantage, or something of value. The victim of identity theft can be living or dead at the time of identity theft. In North Carolina, identity theft is a felony charge.

An example of identity theft would be using another person's Social Security Number to obtain their Social Security benefit payments or to create fake bank accounts. Suspects can also use passport numbers, driver's licenses, bank account numbers, debit card PIN numbers, someone else's fingerprints, credit or debit card numbers, and online passwords to commit identity theft.

North Carolina Extortion Defense Lawyers

In North Carolina, extortion happens when someone threatens or communicates threats to another person. The person must threaten or communicate threats to another person with the intention of wrongfully obtaining something of value or of gaining advantage or immunity. The crime of extortion is a Class F felony in North Carolina.

North Carolina Fraud Charges Lawyers

North Carolina recognizes several different types of fraud crimes. All fraud crimes require that the suspect lied, deceived, or deliberately misrepresented themselves to obtain a benefit that they did not earn or deserve in a lawful way. Typically, North Carolina prosecutors charge fraudulent crimes as felonies. Specific types of fraud charges include the following:

  • Medicaid and Medicare fraud
  • Mortgage fraud
  • Financial identity fraud
  • Credit card fraud
  • Another crime based on someone's intent to defraud
Contact Our Iredell County White Collar Crimes Lawyers Today

Typically, prosecutors charge white-collar crimes as felonies in North Carolina. Judges use a complicated grid to determine the correct criminal penalties for white-collar criminal charges. If you are facing a felony charge, you could spend years in prison and face significant fines. Contact our white-collar crime defense lawyers as soon as possible to schedule your case evaluation. Call our lawyers at Arnold & Smith, PLLC, at (704) 370-2828 to evaluate your options or fill out our contact form. Now taking cases throughout North Carolina with offices in Uptown Charlotte, Mooresville and Monroe.

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