
Working Through Emotional Barriers in a Collaborative Divorce

It goes without saying that going through a divorce can be incredibly emotional. This is true whether you saw the divorce coming a mile away or whether it seemed to pop up completely out of the blue. A divorce always takes a toll, whether you and your spouse end things on good terms or whether the split is incredibly bitter in nature. At the end of the day, a divorce represents the end of a chapter of your life, whether you have been married for less than a year or you are ending a relationship that has lasted for decades. During this time, spouses can struggle with a range of emotional issues, including uncertainty, anger, humiliation, and much more.

But can these emotional issues impact the success of your divorce? In an ideal world, we would all approach our divorces with a highly logical mindset, putting all emotional matters aside and ending marriages in the most reasonable way possible. However, human beings are not robots, and a spouse’s decision-making ability can easily become clouded by their emotional biases. In many cases, emotional barriers can prevent spouses from reaching a favorable legal outcome when they go through a divorce.

The good news is that these emotional barriers can be overcome. Work with one of our experienced divorce attorneys in North Carolina, and you can confidently approach this problematic situation. Trust the advice and guidance of our attorneys, and you can be sure that you are making decisions that are based on logic, not your emotional biases. This is essentially the only way to walk away from your marriage in a way that serves your best interests.

A Collaborative Divorce Can Help Reduce Conflicts

One of the best ways to avoid the negative impact of strong emotions during a divorce is to choose collaborative law. This approach differs significantly compared to a trial-based, litigated divorce, as it is much less adversarial in nature. Instead of trying to “win” a trial, couples instead try to work together alongside their attorneys to find the best solution for everyone involved. Unless you literally cannot stand to be in the same room as your spouse, this option can provide favorable results even if you and your ex are on bad terms following the divorce. Even spouses with strong, negative feelings towards one another can both agree that a collaborative divorce often makes more sense.

Even if one spouse wishes to “beat” the other in court due to a desire to “get revenge” for the divorce, there is no guarantee the judge will rule in their favor. In fact, they may discover that the court’s decision leaves them feeling more bitter and resentful than ever. Collaborative divorce gives spouses a chance to pursue favorable results, allowing them to limit the emotional impact of a divorce.

Many spouses believe that collaborative divorce is impossible because of their strong negative feelings toward one another. But this process can be handled professionally and logically. Your attorneys can even speak on your behalf if you do not want to talk to your spouse.

Dealing With Emotions With the Help of Specialists During a Collaborative Divorce

During your collaborative divorce, you can also enlist the help of neutral, third-party specialists that can help you deal with certain emotional barriers. These individuals are often trained psychological professionals that can help you overcome various issues. In many cases, these specialists can help spouses deal with their divorces in an effective manner, even if they feel considerable resentment and bitterness towards one another.

In addition, you can hire a child specialist to help during the negotiations. This third-party professional focuses solely on your children's needs, and they can ensure that the divorce is not putting unnecessary stress on your child or negatively impacting their life without you realizing it.

Enlist the Help of a Qualified Attorney Today

If you have been searching the North Carolina area for a qualified divorce attorney, look no further than Arnold & Smith, PLLC. We have considerable experience with collaborative divorce, and we are well aware that many spouses may be struggling with significant emotional and psychological issues as they approach their divorces. You can rely on our guidance and advice during this challenging period, and we can help you make smart decisions without being impeded by emotional bias. Book your consultation today.

Collaborative Divorce
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