we fight to win.
Child Support Calculator

1b. Minus pre-existing child support payment
1c. Minus responsibility for other children
5a. Work Related Childcare Costs
5b. Health Insurance Premiums
5c. Extraordinary Expenses
5d. Total Adjustments
1b. Minus pre-existing child support payment
1c. Minus responsibility for other children
10a. Work Related Childcare Costs*
10b. Health Insurance Premiums
10c. Extraordinary Expenses
10d. Total Adjustments
1b. Minus pre-existing child support payment
1c. Minus responsibility for other children
5a. Shared Custody Adjusment
5b. Shared Custody Adjusment
5c. Shared Custody Adjusment
6a. Plaintiff’S Support For Children With Defendant
6b. Defendant’S Support For Children With Plaintiff
7a. Work Related Childcare Costs
7b. Health Insurance Premiums
7c. Extraordinary Expenses
7d. Total Adjustments
The purpose of this calculator is informational and educational only. It does not constitute legal advice. This child support calculator is based on statutory guidelines. The court has the final authority to determine the amount of child support awarded. This number is only an estimate and is not a guarantee of the amount of child support that will be awarded. Other factors may affect the amount of child support awarded. Please see an attorney in your area for more detailed information.