What Kind of Delays Might I Encounter in a Collaborative Divorce?

Most spouses want to resolve their divorce as quickly as possible. Only rarely d people intentionally draw out this process for as long as possible, and this is usually due to some kind of bitterness, resentment, or denial. Typically, spouses want nothing more than to move on with their lives, start a new chapter, and place their marriage firmly in the rearview mirror. But as you will find out, there are many challenges and delays that might slow down this process – even if you choose an expedited route such as a collaborative divorce.

The best way to overcome these delays is to work with a qualified, experienced divorce attorney in North Carolina. Our legal professionals are familiar with the various hurdles and challenges you might face as you attempt to end your marriage. Not only are we familiar with these challenges, but we also know which strategies can help you overcome them. While it is true that virtually all divorces are vulnerable to various delays, a collaborative divorce is usually the speediest option. This is why you should search for a divorce attorney in North Carolina with specific collaborative law experience.

Serving Your Spouse

Firstly, you might encounter a delay when serving your spouse the divorce papers. This is one of the first steps in the overall divorce process, and it occurs before you even sit down and start negotiating a settlement with your ex. If your spouse is determined enough, they can add weeks or months to the process by continually dodging the divorce papers. If all else fails, you can explore other options and move forward – even if your spouse refuses to be served. However, this really is the last resort. If you are the one being served with the divorce papers, you should know that you also need to respond quickly to prevent unnecessary delays.


Another notable delay might occur if you and your spouse reach an impasse during negotiations. This is when you cannot agree on a specific aspect of your divorce, such as property division, child custody, child support, or spousal support. Even if you argue over who gets the family dog, this can delay the overall process considerably. That being said, an impasse is not necessarily the end of the world. After all, it is slightly unreasonable for spouses to agree upon virtually every aspect of their divorce.

You can, however, deal with this situation best with the help of your attorney. Our legal professionals can suggest alternative compromises and resolutions. Sometimes, stepping away from the negotiation table for a few days is enough, as this helps spouses clear their minds and become less stubborn.

Breakdown of Negotiations

Sometimes, negotiations break down entirely. This really is the worst-case scenario when it comes to collaborative divorces, as it means that you will need to abandon this process and pursue a trial. Not only that, but you will need help to retain your current attorney. In order to avoid this scenario, it is best to work with the best attorney you can find. These legal professionals can help you resolve disputes even when the situation seems utterly hopeless. It may also help if you speak with your former spouse prior to the negotiations to make sure you are both on the same page.

Why Are Collaborative Divorces So Fast?

Why are collaborative divorces so fast in the first place? It comes down to a few factors. First of all, this process allows you to sidestep the trial process entirely. Courts are infamous for delays, waiting lists, appeals, and all manner of other bureaucratic processes that can slow down your divorce considerably. Collaborative divorces can also be fast because you and your spouse can work out all the details of your divorce before you even get lawyers involved. The next step is to simply put everything into an agreement.

Enlist the Help of a Qualified Attorney Today

If you have been searching the North Carolina area for a qualified divorce attorney who has plenty of experience with collaborative law, look no further than Arnold & Smith, PLLC. Over the years, we have assisted numerous spouses in the Tar Heel State as they attempt to end their marriages, and we have encountered (and overcome) all kinds of challenges along the way. With our help, you can confidently face any delays you might encounter as you navigate the collaborative divorce process. Of course, we can also help you with virtually every other aspect of your separation from start to finish. If you would like to learn more about your legal options, reach out today and book your consultation.